Week5- Animals (Reading)
Topic: Animals Skill: Reading
Name of the teachers: Damaris Guerrero/Damaris Garcia/
Ruben Deidara.
The class of this day given by Damaris, Raquel and Ruben
Was very good although it failed is certain points such as the distribution of time, the dynamism of teachers and the organization of the content although it is the first time that I see them.
Maybe They have small things that will be improved with practice.
On the other hand if I could give an
advice for each teacher
I would say:
For Ruben and Damaris Eliza, both are
very friendly with
the students but
a small detail is their projection of
you, they need to be more
as teachers and so they can improve that single
detail, in the same way I give them a
link that can
help us at the time to feel nerves.
For Damaris Raquel she is a very safe
person, she just
needs to have connection with her
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